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Planet FTP Download
Download and Installation:

To get the current version (11.0.1) of Planet FTP (a 32 bit Windows program) download from here.

The older version (11.0.0) can be downloaded from here.

The even older version (9.3.8) can be downloaded from here.

When you have downloaded the file

- first uninstall any previous version of Planet FTP.

Unzip your downloaded file and double-click on the .exe file to commence the installation.

Changes Made:
Version 11.0.1
  • Correct error with progress bar when transferring files between 2GB and 4GB
Version 11.0.0
  • Correct error when file over 2GB is downloaded to a non-empty directory
  • Ensure cached remote directory info is cleared if no direcory changes for 2 minutes
Version 9.3.8
  • Permit handling of files over 2GB
Versions 9.3.6 and 9.3.7
  • Correct irregularity in directory upload/download
Version 9.3.5
  • Correct problem in browse-for-local-files routine where folders rather than files sometimes shown in file pane
Version 9.3.4
  • Correct minor irregularities processing log files.
Version 9.3.3
  • Addition of favourite button for remote directory.
Version 9.3.2
  • Correct tab field sequencing in login screen.
Version 9.3.1
  • Correct possible incorrect sort sequence when local files sorted by date.
  • Plug minor memory leak.
Version 9.2.3
  • Correct problem creating local directories in Vista.
  • Correct behaviour of Cancel when defining new remote site.
Version 9.2.2
  • Defer Login checkbox removed from login screen.
  • Correct appearance of Cancel button in CHMOD window.
Version 9.2.1
  • Minor changes to appearance, changes most apparent on Vista with large fonts.
Version 9.2.0
  • Simplification of options.
  • Introduction of coloured buttons.
  • Re-introduction of ability to resume aborted transfers.
Version 9.1.8
  • Correct code which could sometimes cause auto-reconnect to fail using SSH.
Version 9.1.7
  • Correct auto-reconnect sometimes going to wrong directory using standard FTP connection to SunOS server.
Version 9.1.6
  • Correct Chmod and Create new remote directory fuctions sometimes being applied to wrong directory.
Version 9.1.5
  • Correct incomplete disconnect when cancel button used with SSH connection
Version 9.1.4
  • Fix bug where directory download with SSH attempted to include containing directory (..).
Version 9.1.3
  • Fix bug where default remote directory sometimes not properly remembered.
Version 9.1.2
  • Correct transfer percentage always 0 in status bar for upload or download.
  • Performance improvements (memory management).
Version 9.1.1
  • Home button for quick access to remote home directory.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Different installer.
Version 9.0.3
  • Minor improvements to appearance.
  • List of sites in logon screen now sorted.
  • Removal of support to translate server timestamps to approximate PC time.
Version 9.0.2
  • Log processing options changed from site-specific to global.
  • Option to change log processing options presented prior to processing.
  • New checkbox on initial screen to defer login.
Version 9.0.1
  • Support for setting SSH buffer sizes added.
  • Reworking of log download and log processing.
  • Reworking of auto-reconnect behaviour with SSH login.
Version 9.0.0
  • Support for second log directory on server added.
  • Support for SSH (secure) file transfers aded.
Version 8.5.6
  • Fix bug where log download only worked properly if logs left on server.
Version 8.5.5
  • Additional checking and messages related to log download.
Version 8.5.4
  • Menu items disabled at times when use of them is inappropriate.
Version 8.5.3
  • Improved appearance for Vista and the less common screen settings (eg large fonts).
  • Downloaded logs unzipped at end of download.
  • Correct bug where login window coloured for blue colour scheme when olive scheme in use.
Version 8.5.1
  • Changes for Vista and preparatory to SSH support.
  • Max remembered directories reduced to 8.
Version 8.4.5
  • Minor appearance related improvements.
Version 8.4.4
  • Correct problem where local procmail directory specification sometimes ignored.
Version 8.4.3
  • Correct inconsistent behaviour saving settings in Login screen.
  • Browse for local file and directory behaviour improved.
Version 8.4.1
  • Buttons for file delete, rename etc re-introduced.
  • Browse for local file and directory screens altered to use Treeview.
  • Options can specify path to gzip.exe (for log decompression) instead of expecting fixed location.
Version 8.3.0
  • Support for additional remote directory formats.
Version 8.2.9
  • Fix lock-up if initial local directory does not exist.
Version 8.2.8
  • Support for additional remote directory formats.
Version 8.2.7
  • Minor improvements to appearance, eg spelling, position of pop-up windows.
Version 8.2.6
  • Last remote site used remembered and presented as initial choice when logging in.
Version 8.2.5
  • Additional script functionality including symbolic variables for date/time info.
Version 8.2.4
  • Addition of support to run scripts.
  • Changes to permit simultaneous running of several copies of Planet FTP.
Version 8.2.3
  • Some redundant buttons removed from main form.
  • Colour of forms can be set in Options.
Version 8.2.2
  • Directory names in drop-down lists remembered between logons.
Version 8.2.1
  • Correct initial random assignment of remote directory (under some circumstances) when creating new remote site definition.
Version 8.2.0
  • Revised look and feel.
  • Removal of option to nominate type of remote server (automatically detected).
  • Option to transfer files using drag-and-drop or by right-clicking file and selecting Upload or Download.
  • Form colour alters according to Windows colour scheme.
Version 8.1.2
  • Upload and download of directories supported.
  • Reworked directory navigation both local and remote.
Version 8.0.4
  • Permit AUTOTO POP in maildef stmts if there is an email address associated with the declared main POP.
Version 8.0.3
  • Fix non-working, under some circumstances, of buttons to set initial remote dir and to switch to that directory.
  • Remove invalid blank at end of continuation lines (ending in \) in generated procmail recipes, affects autoresponders.
Version 8.0.2
  • Fix for integer overflow exception if files in local folder exceed 4 gig.
Version 8.0.1
  • Multiple ONLY-FROM addresses permitted on the same line in mail recipes.
  • Every line in generated procmail recipe now ends in a space.
  • Passive mode now default when creating a new login profile.
Version 8.0.0
  • Compiled with newer Delphi components and using newer version of Installshield.
Version 7.2.11
  • Permit use of partial addresses in mail recipe conditional statements.
Version 7.2.10
  • Correct problem preventing log download for www logs with more than one dot in name.
Version 7.2.9
  • Recompilation of software component used which was found to have been supplied compiled in debugging mode.
  • Change to procmail code generated for SPAMMER stmt to further reduce number of logfile entries.
Version 7.2.8
  • Change to procmail code generated for SPAMMER stmt to reduce number of logfile entries.
Version 7.2.7
  • Removal of support for LOGFILE SELECTIVE in mail recipes. In future LOGFILE SELECTIVE will be considered the same as LOGFILE ON.
  • Simplification of generated procmail recipe.
Version 7.2.6
  • Introduction of SPAMDEST in mail recipes to assist spam analysis.
  • Prompts for alternate output folder if log processing not running from a local or network drive.
Version 7.2.5
  • Introduction of check that mail recipe destination is not an address defined in same recipe (to stop loops).
Version 7.2.4
  • Fix possible numeric exception if Windows short date set to 4-digit year.
  • Minor change to TO-FILTER logic.
Version 7.2.3
  • In mail recipe same forward address can be used on multiple lines within a domain.
  • In mail recipe second email address can be supplied on mailing list MEMBER statement so that mail is not sent to that mailinglist member if the sender is the second address specified.
Version 7.2.2
  • LOGFILE SELECTIVE does not log xxxx -> TRASHCAN in mail recipes.
Version 7.2.1
  • Support for LOGFILE SELECTIVE in mail recipes to log deliveries only (not trashed spam).
Version 7.2.0
  • Correction of decimal overlow when calculating progress bar percentage and over about 21.5million bytes transferred.
  • Removal of support for floppy drives.
  • Reversal of change made 7.0.0 whereby once delivered, mail is not available to subsequent statements in the recipe.
Version 7.1.1
  • Minor correction to Help (procmail).
  • Correction to INSERT RECORDLIST in mail definitions which previously sometimes did not work external to a domain.
Version 7.1.0
  • Introduction of RECORDLIST and INSERT in mail definitions.
  • SUBJECT-FILTER and TO-FILTER in mail definitions can now be used within a domain.
  • Ability to run from a CD reading inifile in same folder as executable.
Version 7.0.3
  • Correction of bug where mail recipe SPAMMER statement terminated operand after first space.
Version 7.0.2
  • Warning message if mail recipe line contains & which is not part of a symbolic variable.
  • Limit on the number of symbolic variables in a single mail recipe line increased from 5 to 100.
Version 7.0.1
  • Error message when using same address more than once in a mail recipe for unconditional delivery.
Version 7.0.0
  • Reworking of generated procmail recipes to produce a simpler receipe but with a requirement that for mail to go to multiple destinations, all destinations should be defined on the same line.
Version 6.2.0
  • Correction of bug related to duplicate message filtering in generated procmail recipes.
Version 6.1.1
  • Ability to specify Windows editor selected by user (in Advanced panel).
Version 6.1.0
  • TO-FILTER acts on Cc: header as well as X-Envelope-To: and To:
Version 6.0.9
  • Less complex procmail recipes generated which achieve equivalent result.
Version 6.0.8
  • TO-FILTER acts on X-Envelope-To: as well as To: header
Version 6.0.7
  • Addition of TO-FILTER statement for procmail generation.
Version 6.0.6
  • Correction of problem where log processing only examined files visible in local file display.
  • Initial local directory at login time is shown as populated and expanded in local treeview.
Version 6.0.5
  • Removal of fixed limits (typically 10,000) on number of files and directories displayed within a directory.
Version 6.0.4
  • Correction of problem where initial local directory was sometimes used in preference to procmail local directory.
Version 6.0.3
  • Correction of bug (since 6.0.0) where proper operation of procmail facility required user to already be in local procmail directory.
Version 6.0.2
  • Support for network files as local files.
Version 6.0.1
  • Correction of problem where absence of -> in email forwarding recipe was not recognised as an error.
  • Introduction of NOT-FROM and ONLY-FROM options on email forwarding stmt.
  • Rework of registration key processing for compatibility with Planet FTP2.
Version 6.0.0
  • Treeview used for local directory navigation.
  • Default local and remote directories selected from main window instead of login window.
  • Correction of irregular behaviour when attempting to rename local or remote files to same name that they already have.
Version 5.0.1
  • Optimisations.
Version 5.0.0
Version 4.1.19
  • When downloading log files, zero byte files are no longer downloaded.
Version 4.1.18
  • Corrected erroneous remote timestamp display for files created late in previous year.
Version 4.1.17
  • Corrected hang when attempting to make a remote directory with no name.
  • In generated procmail recipes, LINEBUF value increased
Version 4.1.16
  • Performance improvements, help enhanced
Version 4.1.15
  • Fix for bug introduced 4.1.14 where name of 1 character directories was not shown.
Version 4.1.14
  • Removal of support for Parakeet server;
  • Support for NT servers which do not return permission info.
Version 4.1.13
  • Removal of restriction where log files could only be processed when the local directory was within the defined log directory for the profile currently in use.
Version 4.1.12
  • Additional procmail statement SPAMTEXT to filter out mail containing specified character strings;
  • SPAMMER and SPAMTEXT procmail statements now permitted within a domain and then are effective only within that domain below the SPAMMER or SPAMTEXT statement.
Version 4.1.11
  • Sort settings and setting for remote directory links made persistent between different sessions.
Version 4.1.10
  • Height of local file display line made equal to that of remote file.
Version 4.1.9
  • Correction of remote timestamp error in procmail confirmation panel.
Version 4.1.8
  • Correction of timestamp translation error when files sorted in descending sequence;
  • Prompt for legal Unix filename when uploading filename with spaces to Unix server;
  • Remote directory sorted to correspond with remote filename sort;
Version 4.1.7
  • File lists sortable by clicking column headings;
  • File count and byte count displayed below directory lists;
  • Option to translate timestamps from server time to local PC time;
  • Additional timestamp information present when selecting source for procmail modification.
Version 4.1.5
  • Correction of problem where renaming a remote file sometimes caused a program exception, especially if running on Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3.
Version 4.1.4
  • File timestamps generally use ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD) and 24 hour clock;
  • Ability to sort file lists added;
  • Minor repositioning of buttons etc in main window.
Version 4.1.3
  • Correction of bug where procmail stmts like "xxx -> POP IF SIZE >125000" were erroneously flagged as being in error for destination POP only;
  • Files and remote directories display altered (using ListView component instead of StringGrid);
  • Radio button controlling how remote links handled moved from Advanced panel to Main panel.
Version 4.0.2
  • Correction of bug introduced in 4.0.0 where log file size sometimes erroneously assumed to be zero on log download.
Version 4.0.1
  • Program offers to download and clear procmail log file when size gets beyond the limit specified in the Advanced window at login time.
Version 4.0.0
  • Addition of help information on how to set up program-driven autoresponders in generated procmail recipes;
  • Correction of bug where program sometimes attempted to reference the main window after the request to close it had been issued;
  • Version number appears in title bar;
  • Reduced switching between local directories when logs downloaded;
  • User given option to alter character strings used to filter out unwanted 'hits' when log spreadsheet is produced.
Version 3.0.7
  • Support for logfile names containing more than one period.
Version 3.0.4
  • Better behaviour when log processing attempts to overwrite a .csv file which is currently opened by a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft XL or Lotus 123.
Version 3.0.3
  • Support for socks and proxy servers to enable FTP across some firewalls;
  • Detection of 2 "DOMAIN END" statements together in procmail;
  • Addition of support to resume interrupted binary upload;
  • Ability to filter out unwanted hits when processing downloaded logs.
Version 1.1.3
  • List of supported file extensions for Parakeet/Platypus/Yowie servers updated.
Version 1.1.2
  • List of supported file extensions for Parakeet/Platypus/Yowie servers updated.
Version 1.1.1
  • Correction of problem where log download sometime skipped vanity domains.
Version 1.1.0
  • Addition of IF statements in mail definitions;
  • Cancel button added when asking whether or not to leave downloaded logs on server.
Version 1.0.9
  • Addition of ability to include native procmail statements in mail definitions;
  • Minor changes to status bar messages;
  • Minor changes to process of switching to a new local directory.
Version 1.0.8
  • Capitalisation of displayed data altered.
Version 1.0.7
  • Procmail recipes uploaded as name .procmailrcNew then renamed to .procmailrc to minimise time when recipe is being altered.
Version 1.0.6
  • Elimination of annoying messages when local directory is root directory for drive.
Version 1.0.5
  • New AUTOTO option for procmail autoresponders.
Version 1.0.4
  • Logfile and procmail functions available to all registered users;
  • Logfile processing supported for Yowee, Platypus and Parakeet server types;
  • Register Now buttons added to main window and login window;
  • Addition of SUBJECT-FILTER keyword for procmail;
  • Correction of bug introduced 1.02 where upload of multiple files stopped on encountering 1st new file on server;
  • Profile currently in use displayed in title bar;
  • 'yes to all' confirmation button added for local file deletion;
  • .csv file produced as a result of processing logs does not overwrite existing file with same name unless OK'd in prompt;
  • If "Process Logs" is clicked when not in local log folder you are taken to that folder then given an advisory message on how to proceed.
Version 1.0.3
  • Correction of bug introduced in 1.02 where checkbox to lowercase uploaded filenames was ignored.
Version 1.0.2
  • Image files no longer removed from stats output, instead Advanced panel can be used to specify file extensions to be summarised in the output.
  • Yes-To-All button added to remote file delete confirmation.
  • Correction of apparent hang when 'X'ing out of remote file/directory confirmation box.
  • FTP call exit routines altered to make FTP process more robust.
Version 1.0.2
  • Image files no longer removed from stats output, instead Advanced panel can be used to specify file extensions to be summarised in the output.
  • Yes-To-All button added to remote file delete confirmation.
  • Correction of apparent hang when 'X'ing out of remote file/directory confirmation box.
  • FTP call exit routines altered to make FTP process more robust.
Version 1.0.1
  • gif, jpg and jpeg file extensions are omitted from stats output;
  • The initial help display now displays version numbering.
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